您的位置:極速下載站 → 電腦軟件 → 圖形圖像 → 圖像瀏覽 → Thumbs Viewer
Thumbs Viewer是用以查看由Windows生成的文件夾縮略圖(如各種圖片),文件名為thumbs.db,缺省情況下每個文件夾都存在一個。Thumbs Viewer可以把thumbs.db中的縮略圖批量導出,點擊每個縮略圖就導出對應的文件。
Thumbs Viewer is used to view the generated by a Windows folder thumbnail ( such as various pictures ), the file name for the thumbs.db, by default each folder is a. Thumbs Viewer can be thumbs.db thumbnail images in a batch export, click on the thumbnail of each leads to the corresponding file.